Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Kidney Beanz Trust Spinathon 2008

What a fantastic day it was, many volunteers sweating as they rode for hours and hours at Sandton Virgin Active for an excellent cause. The Kidney Beanz Spinathon was wonderfully organised by Annamarie Wagner, a trust member of The Kidney Beans Trust in a joint initiative with The Virgin Active Group and Morningside Clinic.

The Spinathon was organized for one sole purpose, to raise awareness and funding for kids with severe kidney disease. What amazing kids these were, some of them were awaiting transplants and others had already had their operations and told of their wonderful success stories. The kids showed their appreciation to the spinners by spraying them with water and found it hilarious to spray Zimbo too.

I had so much fun at this charity event and I have agreed to fully support the kids at The Kidney Beanz Trust by dedicating my time to visiting these kids at Morningside Clinic on a regular basis.

You can make a donation to this amazing charity or you can offer your time and support too by filling out a simple contact form. Make a difference today and you will realize that these kids are well worth the love.

Take Care
Zimbo the Clown

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