Thursday, April 23, 2009

Zimbo is now on Twitter

Tweet me on Twitter. Thats right, this clown is in with what's happening. By following my Zimbo the Clown profile you can keep up-to-date with exactly what I am up to. For cool tips on your kids party needs or simply if you wanna chat about your upcoming party then just reply to any of my posts and I will quickly reply to any questions you may have. This is the quickest way to get hold of Zimbo immediatly as he has installed a Twitter Mobile application to reply to all your tweets.

What is Twitter?

Twitter is a super cool website that allows you to very simply keep in touch with the times and be interactive and social. It is amazing the resources you can get on Twitter, post some info and see who likes what you post. If people like you then they will follow you. Once someone is following you they will be able to see everything that you post. It think you get a better response if you have something to bring to the table, tweeting about the 27th cup of coffee you had today does not usually make an interesting update. Twitter is like everyone sending an SMS to am open forum, except you get to choose what you want and do not want to read.

How do I follow Zimbo?

For all the coolest and latest kids party tips and advice from Zimbo all you need to do is go to and create an account (if you have not done so already). Then find me under and click the “Follow” button. That's all there is to it. It's simple and it's easy. Now go on and get started.

Why must I follow Zimbo?
  • Zimbo is the coolest clown in SA
  • I will post info on upcoming kids events that I will be attending
  • If your child is having a party then why not ask me directly what to do?
  • Be the first to know about my party specials
  • Check out the latest party pics that I post to TwitPic
  • Post your own party pics
  • Tell the world how cool Zimbo is by putting #clowningaround in front of your message.

Take Care
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